Friday, August 15, 2014

Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight

Each day that I read about violence and racism in this country is another day that I start to lose faith in it. The United States was created by people of many different languages and skin complexions... people that were innovative, saw a brighter future, and shaped a nation out of dust. We have come a long way from the days of our foundation and progressed to new highs, but every time we let our differences in skin color hinder our evolution, we take steps back.

I read an article by National Geographic once that described what the average American would like in the future after generations of blending. (View Article Here) There is a small side panel compiled of portraits of people of all hair colors, eyes colors, skin color. It's a beautiful view of what our exterior could look like in the years to come, but what about what's inside of us? What about our view of each other? Will our interior be as beautiful?

Racism scars our nation and continues to inflict wounds that won't heal. You can see it as plain as the sun in the sky and some of us try with all of our might to be oblivious to it. History has proven that it existed and we as a society prove every single day that it still does. We categorize each other by skin as if skin is what defines who we are. Skin doesn't save children from a scorching fire, hands do. Skin doesn't cry when a loved one is lost, eyes do. The only thing skin does is cover our flesh. It let's out what we keep in. At what point to do we stop letting the color of our skin play a stronger role than it was designed to?

The only direction we should move in life is forward. We have to walk together, hand in hand, black and white, and stop letting the racist bigotry of our past control who we will be in the future. Equality is what we are all fighting for, praying for, hoping for. We can reach it, but not until we stop separating ourselves from one another. This is a new world, a new generation of American's. We have the power to keep pushing our homeland further into a place our own children can be proud to live in. A place where children of all colors can play together, laugh together, and love one another. 

If your child needed a pint of blood to live, would you be able to pick the white one? I didn't think so. 

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